Premium Kona Blend: Indulge in our 10% Kona rxpertly blended with premium Arabica coffee, delivering an unparalleled coffee experience that will awaken your senses and elevate your mornings to new heights.
Uncompromising Freshness: Our innovative nitrogen-flushed bags with a one-way valve lock in rich flavors and aromas. This advanced packaging ensures that every cup you brew is as fresh and flavorful as the day it was roasted.
Medium Roast: Our expert roasters have crafted this blend to highlight the exquisite flavors of our premium coffee beans. Savor a well-rounded cup featuring a gentle floral scent and hints of fruitiness that will enchant your taste buds.
Premium Whole Bean Coffee: Bring out the best in our gourmet coffee beans by grinding fresh for each brew. This 18 oz bag ensures maximum flavor and aroma, allowing you to customize your grind size for any brewing method. ensures maximum flavor and aroma, allowing you to customize your grind size for any brewing method.
Family Crafted Excellence: With over 150 years of coffee expertise, Don Francisco's brings you a legacy of passion and craftsmanship. We oversee every step, ensuring only the finest 100% Arabica beans make it into your cup.